Historical Hibbing Wiki

The Hibbing High School was beautifully built in 1920. It cost four million dollars. For recreation facilities, it included a choir room, a band room, a 6-lane swimming pool, two smaller gyms, and a football field right outside the school.[1] After 70 years the facilities got a bit out dated so they decided to build a new addition to the high school right where the football field was located off of 23rd Street. The 1991 addition included a brand new 8-lane swimming pool, a grand gymnasium, and a band room. [2] The football field was moved to Cheaver field behind the Hibbing Community College.[3] These additions cost around five million dollars.[4] Looking closely at the school on the inside and out you are able to see where the new addition was built on.[5] The Hibbing High School is currently modernized with new technology and more 21st century style. For example: most of classrooms now have flat screen Macintosh computers and smart boards with projectors. [6]

[1] “Welcome to Hibbing High School” Pamphlet. 2008

[2] “Hibbing High School History” Hibbing High School. April 28, 2011. www.hibbing.k12.mn.us/2hhs/hss_info_history.htm

[3] Picture of the “before” high school. Hibbinghigh.com

[4] “Hibbing High School History”

[5] Picture of the New School

[6] Information from current Hibbing High School Teacher.
