Historical Hibbing Wiki

Hibbing High School was constructed by the Oliver Mining Company in 1920[1]. It cost a total of 4 million dollars[2]. Today it would cost 50 million to replace and is nearly impossible to build today[3]. The auditorium is a replica of Capitol Theater in New York[4].

The auditorium has chandeliers imported from Belgium and seats 1,800[5]. The original football field next to the school was easy to get to. Everything went on there, gym classes, track, and, football[6]. Not many people drove to school[7]. Everyone took buses; no one had their own cars to drive[8]. There were sports for boys, such as football, track, and basketball[9]. There were no sports programs for girls, only gym class sports[10].

[1]“Hibbing High School”. April 28, 2011. <http://www.hibbing.mn.us/index.asp?Type=B_LIST&SEC=%7B0BA3C178-6F53-4831-B739-0315936323C6%7D..>

[2]hibbing.mn.us. April 28, 2011.“Hibbing High School”.

[3]hibbing.mn.us. April 28, 2011.“Hibbing High School”.

[4]hibbing.mn.us. April 28, 2011.“Hibbing High School”.

[5]hibbing.mn.us. April 28, 2011. “Hibbing High School”. [6]Interview with Gayle Reinhart. April 27, 2011. [7]Interview with Gayle Reinhart. April 27, 2011. [8]Interview with Gayle Reinhart. April 27, 2011. [9]Interview with Gayle Reinhart. April 27, 2011.
